Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dude, Why Does My Car Cost So Much?

When I was programming a small radio station in Flint, Michigan I had several GM autoworkers on staff. They were good enough guys. The thing that shocked me was when they were going through a GM layoff they weren't really out of work. They were still earning 80% of their paycheck and could chill out at home, bills paid, no worries.

This week I found out that each US manufactured car carries an extra two thousand dollars so we can pay for the big benefits packages brokered by the UAW. Two thousand dollars!

The people who manage these companies should be run out of town with pitchforks and torches. Let the industry go bankrupt so they can renegotiate with the UAW and restructure their debt. They will come back stronger and better.

Tell Congress to get out of the auto business. All of these so-called "cafe standards" are killing the US auto industry. Auto workers will benefit in the long-run because after these changes are made they will be employed by a stronger more competitive industry.